• The CEO light blue BARONS Skjorte
  • info_Model: 180 cm, 79 kg wearing Slim M (39/40)
    Model: 180 cm, 79 kg wearing Slim M (39/40)
  • The CEO light blue BARONS Skjorte
  • The CEO 4.0 | Light blue | Archive
  • The CEO 4.0 | Light blue | Archive
  • The CEO 4.0 | Light blue | Archive
  • The CEO 4.0 | Light blue | Archive
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TheCEO 4.0

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Brand ambassador Michael Laudrup

"As an ambassdor for BARONS I get the opportunity to give a small push to a young and exiting company. Personally I wish to be well dressed but without spending too much time on buying clothes. Therefore, BARONS is in many ways the clothing brand that you automatically pull out of your wardrope in the morning."

Let me know some more

Joachim Latocha, Founder

Organic ELS cotton. The 0.1%

At BARONS, we exclusively use organic cotton. Period. But we don't just use any type of cotton. We only use the longest cotton fibres in the World - the so-called Extra-long staple fibres (ELS). It represents less than 0.1% of the global cotton supply. In the past it was considered impossible to cultivate using organic methods. Our guess is that you have never worn an organic business shirt with ELS fibres before. Until now.

  • Organic extra-long staple cotton

    We only use organic cotton - mainly Giza ELS cotton sourced directly from the Nila delta in Egypt. The unique microclimate in Egypt combined with the abundant natural water source of the Nile makes area east of Alexandria ideal location for cotton. Being located at the very end of the Nile river - means the next stop for the water flow is the Mediterranean sea. Organic cotton means no synthetic fertilizers, no pesticides and no GMO seeds.

Synthetic fibres. No thanks!

In our world, plastic-based synthetic fibres do not belong in a high-quality shirt. This is why we avoid using elastane, spandex, polyester etc. in our shirts. It’s often the cheap, dirty way of achieving so-called “stretch”.  

As any garment is washed and worn repeatedly, its mass decrease over time. This means that some of the textiles are washed into the environment, either from laundry washing or from surface abrasion. In the end, this fibre will become micro-plastics. Furthermore, a large share of products will end up in a landfill far from where it was first sold.  

We don't like microplastics in our oceans which is why we have opted for the natural alternative. We call this Natural Stretch, a special method which adds 10-15% of stretch to our fabrics without using any plastic-based synthetics.

CO2 Footprint

What gets measured gets managed

With Generation 4 we have reduced the climate footprint of our shirts by almost 50%. Our products have some of the lowest footprints in our industry and we are proud of this. But we still have work to do to find further reductions.

*Numbers reflected are kg/CO2 equivalents

  • 3,3 kg


  • 3,8 kg


  • 2,9 kg


  • 3,9 kg


Learn more

Generation 4.0

Business shirts i 100% organic cotton.

Of course.

  • Forever refining.

    In the future we will continue to focus on reducing the overall carbon footprint of our shirts - even down to the smallest components like threads, buttons and packaging. Furthermore, we will work with our suppliers to increase the share of locally installed renewable energy (e.g. solar) which could drive significant further reductions. We don't have the perfect solution yet but we are working to reach it.

So what does the Corporate Warriors say?